Thursday, May 23, 2013

Some random stuff that's popped into my mind lately

- I had a dream last night that Eisley played a concert in one of the rehearsal rooms at UM and I was supposed to sing harmonies and play keyboards because Stacy King was sick. But, my microphone was a giant wooden plate that blocked my face from being seen by the audience. I also was annoyed because every time I tried to get a picture with the band, the picture came out all warped.

-Today: For the first time that I can remember, I came up with a melody upon waking up, as opposed to when I'm trying to fall asleep.

-It's interesting how my mom texts me saying she'll "call me in a bit," and 2 hours later she still hasn't called. With her timing, I'll probably in the shower, at the gym, or going to the bathroom when she calls. And of course, she doesn't answer when I call her first. Oh, this is the dance we often do!

-I read an article about funny lies parents tell their children and I started remembering ones my parents said to me:

  •       I was obsessed with my pacifiers as a toddler. I could fit like 4 in my mouth at once. But, once I was three, my parents told me that it was illegal in Texas (where we lived) to use pacifiers if you were 3 or older. So, we got rid of them. I think I was 13 or 14 when I finally found out that there was no such law. 
  • My mom told us it was illegal to have your car windows open on the highway because rocks would fall into our car. 

The EP is ALMOST done.
I know I've been saying that forever.
But, for reals.
It kind of has to be done before the week is over because that's when Producer-Andrew's project is due.
This EP is his final project for his masters in audio engineering or something at MTSU.
Hence, I've been getting these recordings at virtually no cost to me.
We did some last minute electric guitars last night because there was something seriously missing in a few tunes.
Once we have the final mix of "Not What I Need" (which will be today), the music video can be finally be released to the public.

Also, filming music video for "Melody" (this one I actually have to pay for) this Saturday in Manchester, TN (Home of Bonnaroo). I have no effing clue what to wear. But, I am getting my hair/makeup done professionally for this (unlike the NWIN music video, where I did all that myself).

I'm really excited.
But, I'm also pretty anxious to get all this stuff done so I can focus on selling my furniture and getting ready to move. Does that make me lame?

I will be continuing this blog when I live in Richmond. I still will have a lot to talk about:
-wedding planning
-the adventures of living with my amazing fiance
-getting to know another new city
-applying to PharmD school
-continuing to do music in a town with virtually no music scene (from what I can tell)

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