Monday, March 4, 2013

Mo' problems at the moment....

Got my first check from work today!
My savings have been pretty much non-existent for the 6 weeks or so that I've been virtually unemployed
(I say "virtually" because I still make a negligible amount of money from shows and cd sales).
I have been even selling possessions on Ebay.
Now, I just need to actually save the majority of the check amount.

It's a lot harder marketing hair products (amazing 100% ceramic styling irons and stuff)
Most people are very loyal to certain brands
AND now I'm pretty much selling to half the amount of people I was before with the cleaning products.
I do talk to men but most of the time they don't have any idea what I'm talking about.

Yesterday evening I got to help out this adorable elderly deaf couple. I saw them signing from far away
and while the woman looked at something else, the man came to my booth.
When they walked by and I showed them the products and they first weren't interested
but then I signed "thank you" because I always say thank you to people for giving me the time of day.
And I think the man was impressed that I knew any ASL whatsoever
So, the lady went over to look at shampoos and he came over to "talk" to me about the products.
I pantomimed how the 2-in-1 styling irons worked and wrote down the key points on paper.
He was somewhat verbal. He painstakingly said "Does it turn off on it's own?"
He seemed more interested in the products than the woman was.
He convinced her to come over and get some of her hair flat ironed for a demo.
She seemed to like it and signed with gusto to her husband from across the room.
But they decided not to buy and she signed an emphatic couple of "thank you"s
Made my freaking day.
I miss doing ASL.
I used to know A LOT of it when I volunteered with the mentally disabled kids in middle school.
I'd say about half of them had hearing issues as well and used signs.

My coworker, Missy (the KKG one), had me and Lori (another coworker) over for dinner last night.
She lives near the Green Hills mall.
Since I had to do inventory in murfreesboro, I didn't make it to Green Hills
until like an hour and a half after my shift ended.
We talked about family and life over some amazing chicken salad, vegetable crudite, chips+dip
and wine. I had a great time and learned a lot about both of them.
and Missy has an adorable Pekingese named Ping.
and after Lori left, Missy and I proved our chicken-ness around cockroaches
when one came in the house.  It was the first one she'd seen in her house ever.

So I went to bed kinda late since today was supposed to be my day off.
But, Lori got very sick so someone had to take her place doing cleaning products
at the store in Old Hickory from 11-3.
I ended up doing it.
I started out doing it begrudgingly;
But after I ate breakfast and woke up a bit, I was happy to help.
I put free samples behind my ears and in my hair and told people:
"I'm WHIP IT GIRL! and I'm here to make your life easier!"
The more bored I get, the more silly I get to try to make life funnier, at least to me.

So over the next few days (I have tuesday and wednesday off, then I work thursday,
then I get friday and saturday off, then I work sunday!),
I'm going to get a haircut, see the American Idiot National Tour cast at TPAC, clean my car,
do another youtube video, etc.

Less than 2 weeks until I'm in Miami to perform in my wonderful friend/former bandmate John's senior drum recital.
17 days until I see Wesley for the first time in 11 weeks!

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